608-237-7391 jim@farmjoblist.com

Job Descriptions must first be Job Advertisements

To begin with, there are really 2 audiences for your job posting – the search engines that must read your job ad before your potential applicant can see it.  It’s very important to write a good job title and a first sentence or two that the search engine can easily use in the search results listing.

 If the search engine has any trouble understanding what you wrote it will pick some of your words and make something up on its own.  When this happens your job ad will usually end up far from the top of the list on the search results page in the potential applicants web browser.

Finally, the real job description comes into play after the new hire comes to work and discusses the who does what and when with you and the rest of your crew.  There are obviously many steps between posting the job and discussing the job description with the crew.  

The purpose of the blog is to describe those steps and how Farm Job List can help you manage and monitor the performance of each step.

Click here to Post Your Job and then give me a call so we can get to work finding the right person for your position.

jim@farmjoblist.com   Phone: (608) 237-7391