Kyle Meacham is the owner/operator of Meacham Farms along with his mother Karen. He is a fourth-generation farmer working to preserve the land and pass along a legacy to his children just like his dad did for him.
Mar, 05
Farming is our craft.
Feb, 26
Medina Turf Farms Inc
Jun, 22
Dec, 31
Merrell Dairy, LLC is a third generation progressive dairy farm located in Eastern Wayne County. We've been farming, raising livestock and producing milk for 50+ years!
Oct, 08
Mar, 12
Aug, 30
An award-winning nonprofit, certified-organic farm providing productive open space, farm products, and hands-on education for all ages, year-round since 1975.
Mar, 10
Dec, 31
Feb, 26
Jul, 06
Our programs have no educational requirements. You must be willing to travel, meet new people, be open to new experiences, and most importantly, feel the need to help others.
Apr, 10
"If you take care of animals properly, they are going to take care of you. If you take care of the land properly, it’s going to take care of you." Jon Patterson
Sep, 30
May, 18
Nov, 16
Nov, 29
Jul, 31
Jan, 11
Jul, 31
Jan, 12
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